Functional Behaviour Assessments

Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBA) in the UK

Understanding the function of a person’s behaviour is crucial when supporting neurodiverse individuals. At Tangata Services Ltd, we offer comprehensive Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBA) to identify the underlying reasons for displaying behaviours of concern.

Woman in call center on laptop
Teaching Functionally Equivalent Behaviours

One approach is to teach functionally equivalent behaviours that serve the same purpose as the displaying behaviours of concern but are more socially acceptable. This can include teaching alternative communication methods or coping strategies.

Implementing Communication Strategies

Communication strategies can be put in place to help individuals effectively communicate their wants and needs, reducing the likelihood of displaying behaviours of concern.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Adjusting the environment to better suit the individual’s needs can also help reduce displaying behaviours of concern. This may involve changes in sensory stimuli, structure, or routine.

Changing Communication Styles

Modifying our own communication styles and the way we deliver messages can also make a significant difference. This includes being more empathetic, patient, and understanding.

Improving Quality of Life

A functional assessment helps determine the primary and secondary functions of behaviour, allowing us to address underlying needs in more appropriate ways. This understanding ultimately improves the quality of life for everyone involved in the individual’s care and support.

Cost and Package Details

Our FBA services are tailored to each individual’s needs. Contact us to schedule an assessment and start improving support for neurodiverse individuals today.

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Learn more about our Functional Behaviour Assessments. Contact us today!

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